Why HMG ePublishing
ePublishing or electronic publishing refers to paperless books, or in other words, books in electronic rather than print format. Unlike their print counterparts, eBooks are for the modern audience – these books are designed for speed, with readers skimming and scrolling through the text. As with traditional books, online books have a wide audience who is more tech-savvy and wired to read books on smart devices or tablets while on the move.
eBooks are designed for speed, with readers skimming and scrolling through the text. There is so much information vying for their attention that readers would speed through the ebook instead of flipping one page at a time. If you analyze the two publishing methods, you will find that working with a digital platform offers more benefits than traditional print publishing.
They can be read on most mobile devices, including smartphones, like the iPhone or Android; tablets, like an iPad or Surface; and eReaders, like a Kindle or Nook. You can buy eBooks from thousands of retailers, including Amazon, iBookStore, and Barnes and Noble. With HMG ePublishing, you can sell your eBook through major retail outlets, like Amazon, and in app stores like iTunes and Google Play.
Some of the reasons you should consider and choose HMG ePublishing for your electronic publishing and allied services include the following.
Typically, a traditional design process for a textbook may take up to 17 months. Your work usually has to go through layers of production – agents, editors, and publishers – when you publish a printed book. With a digital publishing platform, you can get your work to the readers without wasting time. You can even constantly update or edit your content to better please your readers.
When you choose HMG ePublishing for your electronic publishing, you get a great alternative to the time-consuming effort of getting your book to consumers through a traditional publisher.
Buying a printed book requires paying for transportation, printing, publishing, distribution, cover creation, and other sundry charges. However, when you choose an eBook, it eliminates a lot of these costs. You must only pay for the author’s hard work and the profit they deserve.
When you choose HMG ePublishing for your electronic publishing, you take advantage of the latest technological developments to improve the success and efficiency of your work. Regardless of the content your work needs, selecting e-publishing is the cost-effective choice.
Online content knows no boundaries, and you can conveniently reach a global audience if you opt for digital publishing. It allows publishing companies and educational content owners to reach out to users across borders and potentially increase their earnings.
When you choose HMG ePublishing for your ebook distribution, our services are typically designed to help organize, distribute, manage, and monetize your material by channelizing it to all key retail platforms. This includes channels like Amazon, Google Play Books, and Apple iBookstore and third-party aggregators such as Smashwords and BookBaby.
You can carry thousands of books on a digital device wherever you go without taking up half the space required for a single physical book. It is quite easy to store and manage eBooks. Consider the savings on storage space, which means cost savings, and the space can be used for other business activities.
When you choose HMG ePublishing for your ebook distribution, storing books becomes manageable and easy with eBooks. You can download whichever eBooks you want to read and save them on your smart devices. You can remove the ebooks from your downloaded list if you want to. ePublication helps to save physical space at home with digital space in your devices.
As a digital publisher, we offer a broad list of electronic publishing, production, distribution, and technical services to authors who wish to stay ahead of the curve. For more information, contact us at, Email: