eBook Publishing Services
HMG ePublishing online ebook publishing services offer well-rounded and affordable publishing options, marketing assistance, a broad book-selling reach, a wide selection of extra services beyond the publishing package, and with plenty of help and support.
HMG ePublishing has a quick, overall publishing timeframe and gives authors the most for their money. High-quality online publishers also provide many services, such as designing a webpage and making copies of the ebook available to reviewers, as part of the pre-paid package to help you sell your ebook once it is published.
HMG ePublishing can help published authors sell books through a combination of methods, including an onsite bookstore at the company's website, wholesale distribution channels, and major online ebook retailers. Whether you are a first-time author or a previously published novelist tired of signing your rights away, We offer a fast, relatively affordable way to get your ebook off your computer screen and into the hands of your readers.
The three ebook publishing services packages we offer are introduced below. Each package includes all the essential tools you need to start your publishing journey, such as cover design, interior customization, online distribution, and more.
The HMG ePublishing package is the most sought-after by our client writers. The author pays no fees of any kind. Like most agents and publishers, HMG ePublishing takes only the highest quality work for these deals because the risks and competition are high. Therefore, acquiring this traditional-like publishing arrangement is challenging, especially for new writers.
We seek authors who have fully prepared material ready for immediate epublishing in accordance with the IBPA's Industry Standards Checklist for a Professionally Published Book.

HMG ePublishing self-publishing services package will get you published as an independent publisher. Our self-publishing services package is structured to depict the spirit of personally publishing your book. Regardless of the label, you must be vigilant about getting what you asked for concerning quality and customer service. Talk to other writers and authors before you make a decision. We aim to help you get a high-quality ebook that looks and reads well and will position you as a branded author.
Our self-publishing package includes downloadable examples and resources to help you start your epublishing journeys, including cover design, interior customization, online distribution guidelines, and more.

The HMG ePublishing hybrid package is similar to the self-publishing option because we charge the author a fee. Still, legitimate and respectable firms can do a much better job of working collaboratively with newer authors to help them become branded professionals. The quality level is higher than most self-publishing models, too. Typically, the author will pay for some or all of the pre-publication costs to prepare and package the work. The publisher often shares the charges with the author—hence the term hybrid publishing.
Every ebook needs distributors. We partner with Ingramspark and other major aggregators for printing and distribution to online retailers.
As mentioned above, HMG ePublishing can offer clients who wish to publish their work in digital formats a broad list of ebook conversion, production, distribution, and technical services. For more information, contact us at, Email: